Tokyo Baycourt Club & Spa, Odaiba, Tokyo, Japan (2002-2004)
The winning entry in an international competition, this assignment was my first international project. I personally led the design team and also presented to the Resorttrust clients at their headquarters in Nagoya, Japan.
The Tokyo Baycourt Club Hotel & Spa Resort is a self-contained membership facility that combines luxurious accommodations with membership services including two private lounges and five dining facilities. A three-story spa bridges the two towers.
The Interior Design concept for this project was filtered through an art-deco vocabulary based on New York masterpieces of the 1930’s.
Interior Design – WATG
(BB Principal in Charge. Scope: Concept through Design
Client - Resorttrust Inc. Yoshiro Ito, Katsuyasu Ito
Architect - KKS Tokyo
GC - Taisei Corporation
Cost - withheld at request